Pilot Episode


New intern Céline (Délia Antonio) from Geneva arrives in London and starts working for the “House of Switzerland”, led by Angela (Isabelle Flachsmann). Her youthful idealism immediately encounters strong headwinds along the Thames.

Die neue Praktikantin Céline (Délia Antonio) kommt in London an und beginnt im “House of Switzerland” unter Chefin Angela (Isabelle Flachsmann) zu arbeiten. Im Nu gibt es Probleme an der Themse.

Crew Pilot Episode

Written & directed by Bernie Forster
Director of Photography Håvard Helle
Production Designer Elissa Morton
Sound Engineer Henry Ley
2nd Camera Operator Luca Rocchini
Hair & Make Up Kloe Gristwood
1st Assistant Director Sataish O'Shea
Script & Continuity Laura Gregory
1st Assistant Camera Ferran Guillén i Pons
Adhar Gupta
Gaffer Alex Stevenson
Gabriele Mango

Editor Bernie Forster
Sound post production Manuel Rindlisbacher
Colourist William H. Read

Casting assistance Caro Wloka
Title Logo Lukas Bürki

Production Manager Azize Züfle
Production Assistants Tom Macklin
Sophie Buscetta
Emily Hudson
Michele Profeta
Line Producers UK Kerryn Arcari
Jason Hitchins

Executive Producer Bernie Forster

Cast Pilot Episode

Céline Délia Antonio
JD J.C. Williams
Angela Isabelle Flachsmann
Chris Bernie Forster
Mel Marie Fontannaz
Ellie (Céline’s flatmate) Georgie McGuigan
Simone Giovanni Bienne
Swiss Chef Marco Canadea
Cressida Tanya Chainey
Barnaby Alex Harland